Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Endless City Project

I first read about the Endless City Project in Occult zine.
It's basically a short story that has been displayed in street art form, down hidden alleys and laneways in Brisbane's Fortitude Valley. 

The creator David Cowan has painted each sentence of the story on plyboard and placed each board in a separate location across the Valley. Each of the boards are numbered and you can navigate to the tumblr page to get a map of the locations (and also to get a look at some of the boards).

Endless City tumblr

A friend and I spent an awesome afternoon gallavanting around the Valley in search of the story. He utilises the locations really well, appropriately choosing the placement of each board, and each spot beckons you to explore the places you wouldn't normally tread.

It's a fantastic project and the street-art-cross-with-literature is a great platform to get people both out exploring the urban environment, and reading.

Sunday, 21 April 2013

April highlights

When not reading and writing about transmedia storytelling for a uni assignment my April has consisted of:

- Billy Wilder's The Lost Weekend (1945), a truthful portrayal (particularly for the 1940s) of alcoholism with the dashing Ray Milland 

- Season 2 of Luther on DVD - watched during the day, with the doors locked

Idris Elba as John Luther

- Enjoying The Rubens' set at Triple J's One Night Stand

- Reading and learning about film on film academic David Bordwell's blog

- Eating cheese, always and forever

- Jacques Audiard's Rust and Bone (2012) with the fine Marion Cotillard

- Absorbing vitamin D after the sunshine returns to the Sunshine State